Shortly after the worldwide publications of the method of measurement developed in the beginnings of the 90s by the Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto we decided to have the virtues of our GOLD*CHIP examined.

We remember to a hair’s breadth that it took us several weeks to convince the laboratory to conduct the analysis. They didn’t want under any circumstances conduct such an analysis as all the tests they executed with so called “harmonizing gadgets” did not achieve positive results. “Until today”, so they said, “we did not encounter a single efficient product being able to harmonize the radiation of mobile phones”.

After they finally agreed to conduct some tests, they used -as base sample- vaporized distilled water. This type of “water” does not contain any chemical information. Otherwise normal tap water could falsify the tests.

These four images result from this study. They feature extremely bizarre, if not mysterious crystalline structures. Quite interesting, how water, even if it has been distilled, is nevertheless capable of absorbing information and visually illustrating it.

In order to visualize the effects of electromagnetic radiation a off-the-shell cell-phone has been placed beneath a transparent glass which was filled with vaporized distilled water. During exactly twenty minutes the cell-phone remained in stand-by mode. During these twenty minutes no SMS were sent nor received and no calls were made or received.

The next images result from the same study. They show hexagonal crystalline structures which normally are only to be found in water samples with an origin of a pure and pollution-free well. The remarks of the laboratory were consequently: "We’d never expected that such crystals will show up. We are highly asthonised!”

In order to visualize the effect, respectively the non-effect of the electromagnetic radiation, the same cell-phone has been placed beside a transparent glass which was again filled with vaporized distilled water. During exactly twenty minutes the cell-phone remained in stand-by mode. During these twenty minutes no SMS were sent nor received and no calls were made or received. The only difference consisted in the fact that now a GOLD*CHIP has been placed on the cover of the cell-phone.

Can you imagine that electromagnetic fields may have a similar impact on your body? … and … especially on the head area, if you are using a mobile phone?

In case you are interested: under this link we have published several scientific and bio-energetic studies carried out by independent specialized laboratories in connection with the GOLD*CHIP.

>• next section: Keep your fingers away from light-drinks !!!


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Made with Love and Compassion